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5 Tips to Refine Code | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2020-07-22 15:13:03

Abstract:This article will introduce 5 tips to refine codes. ScrapeStormFree Download

The level of code can be seen at a glance from the form of writing the code. It takes experience to write code that is easy to read, sophisticated and efficient. In this article, I’ll give you tips for refining the five codes.


1. Ternary Expression

Usually, the conditional expression is written as follows:

condition = True

if condition:

x = 1


x = 0


See below for more readability and less code:

condition = True

x = 1 if condition else 0


2. Separate numbers with underscores

num1 = 100000000

num2 = 10000000

total = num1 + num2


You can write like this.

num1 = 10_000_0000

num2 = 10_000_000

total = num1 + num2


If you want to use commas to separate the outputs, you can also do the following:

num1 = 10_000_0000

num2 = 10_000_000

total = num1 + num2


This makes the numbers easier to read.

3. use ” With 

The usual steps to open a file are:

f = open(“text.txt”,”r”)

file_contents =


words = file_contents.split(” “)

word_count = len(words)


It is recommended to use “With” so that Python will handle the closing of the file automatically.

with open(“text.txt”,”r”) as f:

file_contents =

words = file_contents.split(” “)

word_count = len(words)


4. use “enumerate”

names = [‘dvid’,’xiaoming’,’lilei’,’hanmeimei’]

index = 0

for name in names:


index += 1

To get the index of the list, look like this:

names = [‘dvid’,’xiaoming’,’lilei’,’hanmeimei’]

for index,name in enumerate(names):


5. use “getpass” when entering the password

When entering the password, use “getpass” to protect the password without echoing the characters typed.

>>>password = input(“Enter password:”)

Enter password: mypassword

>>> password


>>> from getpass import getpass

>>> password2 = getpass(“Enter password:”)

Enter password:

>>> password2



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