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East Money Information | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2024-01-12 16:37:38

Abstract:East Money Information is a financial information platform that provides financial information on stocks, funds, futures, foreign exchange, etc. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ScrapeStormFree Download

ScrapeStorm is a powerful, no-programming, easy-to-use artificial intelligence web scraping tool.


East Money Information is a financial information platform that provides financial information on stocks, funds, futures, foreign exchange, etc. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is one of China’s prominent financial media, providing comprehensive financial information and investment advice to investors.

Applicable Scene

East Money Information owns securities, fund sales, financial data, Internet advertising, futures brokerage, public funds, private equity funds, securities investment advisory and other business units, and is involved in financial trading, market research, information browsing, community communication, We provide data support and more. We provide one-stop comprehensive financial services to many users.

Pros: We provide real-time financial news and market dynamics, as well as a variety of investment tools and services such as simulated trading, investment portfolios, and financial products, to help investors stay informed and make timely investment decisions. Masu. We help investors understand the market and invest better.

Cons: The user base is skewed toward mid- to low-end investors, and more detailed and personalized services may be lacking for professional and institutional investors. Additionally, while Oriental Fortune’s community interaction is active, some users report interference from false information and malicious behavior, and the platform needs to increase oversight and vetting.


1. East Money Information’s homepage.

2. East Money Information’s APP..

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