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Faloo( | Web Scraping Tool | ScrapeStorm

2024-02-28 15:46:20

Abstract:Faloo has massive original work resources and a large author group, covering a variety of content categories. ScrapeStormFree Download

ScrapeStorm is a powerful, no-programming, easy-to-use artificial intelligence web scraping tool.


Faloo has massive original work resources and a large author group, covering a variety of content categories. It is deeply loved by readers with its imaginative and innovative work style, and has reached over 100 million users.

Applicable Scene

Through the platform, users can access a vast collection of novels anytime and anywhere, whether on public transport, during breaks, or in bed. Platform readers can communicate with each other, comment on novels, and sometimes even participate in the creation of novels. A large number of novels are provided, covering various types and themes to meet the needs of different readers.

Pros: It has hundreds of thousands of outstanding creators and signs tens of thousands of exclusive original works every month. It has a huge content pool and adapts more than 100 comics, audio, animation, film and television works every year. It has a large number of exclusive and innovative novels and is also a gathering place for readers who love fantasy literature.

Cons: It will be through advertising or payment models, which may sometimes affect user experience. The platform has social interaction features, and some readers may feel social pressure or receive some negative impact due to comments.


1. Homepage of

2. Faloo’s library.

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Reference Link飞卢小说&type=content

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